
Shiatsu, a Japanese form of bodywork, practised through clothes can be gentle or dynamic. It can involve gentle Acupressure to specific points, stretches and self help techniques. It’s a dance of Ki between the ‘Giver’ and ‘Receiver’, with view to providing a safe space necessary to promote balance, wholeness and connection.

Since graduating from the Northern School of Shiatsu in 2002, I’ve been constantly inspired and encouraged by the connection Shiatsu offers to individuals, in terms of the body mind, but also between individuals, enhancing communities and breaking down barriers. It was my passion for integration and empowerment that provided the impetus behind my training & teaching of Shiatsu.

Shiatsu’s a wonderfully adaptable therapy, offering subtlety and challenge that’s incredibly applicable to just about anyone, in any situation in pretty much any environment. No props.

Touch can be extremely powerful. I will listen and adapt to what arises in the session, in your body in the present moment and always within a framework of safety.

I have particular experience working with survivors of abuse, fertility and pregnancy, sport’s injuries and those with a Cancer diagnosis.

‘Safety is a visceral and not cognitive response and as such, we need to feel what safety is’ (Porges, 2019).


Shiatsu is a wonderfully adaptable Japanese form of bodywork that can be subtle yet dynamic.

“Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain”

-Carl Jung