FAQs & Testimonials

What you can expect from your Acupuncture, Shiatsu or Massage Session?

You will be asked to complete an intake form and I will ask further questions to elicit what you are seeking therapies for, questions about your medical history, your current medication and others relating to your physical and emotional health.

From the information you provide we can then agree which therapy you may be most suited to and agree upon how many session/s may be appropriate.

The face to face sessions will last 50 minutes. Longer sessions are available. Please ask me for more information on this.


What might Acupuncture be useful for?

The mechanisms underlying how acupuncture relieves pain have been extensively researched for over 60 years. Infact ‘‘Acupuncture is one of only four treatments to be recommended for chronic pain by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). From now on, painkillers and all other drugs apart from anti-depressants will be off the menu (www.acupuncture.org).

Of course there are a number of other conditions that Acupuncture can be helpful with. The British Acupuncture Council has a number of factsheets on a number of Western Medically Diagnosed conditions and offers a balanced review of the evidence. (https://www.acupuncture.org.uk/a-to-z-of-conditions/a-to-z-of-conditions.html) Evidence Based Acupuncture is also an excellent resource providing up to date evaluation of the research base for Acupuncture and it’s benefits (www.evidencebasedacupuncture.org).

I am unsure which therapy to choose. What should I do?

I am very happy to speak to you on the phone or via email if you wanted to discuss your individual circumstances, before deciding which therapy to choose.

You may also try one therapy but feel it is not right for you. I always encourage you to trust what ‘feels’ right for you at any given time.

However, with longer standing (chronic) conditions it can take longer before you experience benefits, so sometimes I may encourage you to consider a series of sessions.

You may also want to visit the websites of the British Acupuncture Council, Shiatsu Society UK or TRE (www.traumaprevention.com) for further information before deciding.


Why Would I choose an online session?

Accessing online sessions has a number of benefits. This is greatly informed by my experience of adapting face to face bodywork therapies at Cavendish Cancer Care to online provision.

There is time to experience and practice the exercises/techniques that may be suggested & quickly demonstrated in a face to face session.

You have the opportunity to meet with others in your group, sharing experiences thus reducing isolation.

Provision in this way can also increase accessibility by, for example, not having childcare, not being in a position to travel, or having limited time.

To ensure the online group/s are appropriate, you will need to have an individual session first.


Working with Annette has been a profound experience for me and my health. Her sessions have helped improve my back and shoulder pain as well as managing mysterious menopausal symptoms! I am especially grateful for how the sessions have helped me navigate the emotional and physical trauma of two recent bereavements. Annette is a vastly experienced practitioner blending the healing arts of acupuncture, shiatsu, TRE and more into a seamless therapeutic experience where I have always felt deeply heard and deeply held. She has a profound understanding of the bodymind – how it is impacted by the wider society and structures we inhabit including the impact of racialised trauma. She is one the kindest and most empathic practitioners I have ever worked with, grounded and real. I highly recommend her.

 Dalbinder, Sheffield.

 I attended my first group TRE session with Annette Lucas last week. I had mixed feelings about being in a group, but Annette made us all feel comfortable and safe. Annette is skilled at establishing a feeling of comfort, and is attuned to, and mindful of all individuals, and their different needs and feelings.

 Annette described the history, methodology and process of TRE in a very accessible manner, and the 'science' behind the theory made good sense to me.

 During the exercises and the trauma-release, Annette focussed on all members of the group individually. At the beginning, those attending disclosed any pre-existing injuries or conditions, and Annette adapted the exercises so everyone could comfortably participate.

 The follow -up was also very good. We received further information (reading and exercise examples) relevant to points raised and questions asked.

 I would whole-heartedly recommend Annette to others.


Thank you so much for such a validating, normalising, beautiful session that I can already feel is allowing significant shifts.

I am also delighted I have the next three months sessions booked in, it’s super calming, so thank you for that too and the book recommendations, excited to read them.
