
Acupuncture involves using extremely fine needles at carefully chosen points on the body to help restore balance and promote well being.

Acupuncture has a system of diagnosis based on identifying imbalance and aims to address the root cause as well as the symptoms you present with. In this way the benefits you experience can be longer lasting.

In Western terms Acupuncture is thought to work through the following:
1. The Stimulation of Nerve Fibres
2. The Release of Neurotransmitters and Hormones, including pain relieving Endorphins

Collectively, these are thought to have a regulating, pain reducing and relaxing effect on the body.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture has a long history of over 2,000 years. Whilst based on fundamental principles, it’s fluidity means that it is constantly being adapted in the West and is increasingly recognised as having a role in health care provision. I have practised Acupuncture in Cancer Care settings, a sport’s clinic and in general practice; offering both private and multibed (lower cost) sessions.

Practitioners regulated by the British Acupuncture Council adhere to strict codes of practice, ensuring a safe treatment. All needles are sterile, disposable and used only once.

Most people who receive acupuncture report not only an improvement in specific symptoms, but also in a general sense of well being.

The British Acupuncture Council has fact sheets on a number of conditions giving an overview of up to date research - see FAQS.

At 4 Good Health you can choose to have a private 1:1 Acupuncture session or a Multibed Acupuncture session.

What is a Multi Bed Setting?

A multibed setting is one where treatment takes place in a larger room with up to 2 or 3 other people. Screens are provided for privacy and great care is taken to ensure your privacy is protected.

You can expect to receive the same quality of treatment as in a private setting. By sharing the space with others the session is provided at a reduced cost to yourself.

A Multi bed clinic also means you can have acupuncture at the same time as your partner, family member or friend and enjoy the session together!

4 Good Health is proud to be a member of the Acmac community, sharing ideas, research information and most importantly a vision and ethos in terms of increasing access to Acupuncture.


An Acupuncture treatment takes account of you as a whole person, supporting you to flex with the natural flow of things.

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
― Lao Tzu